pregnancy massage faq's
Is massage safe during pregnancy?
If you are having a healthy pregnancy and are generally in good health then yes, massage is safe during pregnancy and can be a wonderful addition to your prenatal care.
There are some instances when massage may not be appropriate, particularly if you are experiencing a high risk pregnancy or have underlying health problems. More information can be found on this by clicking here.
As every woman experiences pregnancy in her own way and responds differently to the major physical and emotional changes of pregnancy, you (alongside your midwife or doctor) are in the best position to decide whether you feel comfortable having a massage.
We realise that you may have a lot of questions about pregnancy massage safety and so you can find plenty more information by following this link.
What are the benefits of pregnancy massage?
Pregnancy massage can be of enormous benefit, not only to you, but also to your baby. Massage during pregnancy can support you emotionally and physiologically at a time when your body is undergoing many changes and can help prepare your body for birth. As well as giving you some peaceful, relaxing time to yourself, pregnancy massage can:
- Stimulate your circulation, helping to distribute nutrients and fluid around your body and to your placenta. Stimulating your circulation can also help prevent varicose veins from forming.
- Aid lymphatic drainage, which helps treat puffy ankles and painful swelling caused by water retention, as well as eliminating toxins from your body.
- Help stimulate a sluggish digestive system.
- Release muscular tension in the shoulders, lower back, hips and upper back which can help ease discomfort caused by hormonal and postural changes. Massaging the muscles around the upper chest and rib cage can also benefit the respiratory system and aid restricted breathing.
- Help release nerve compression caused by water retention or muscular tension.
- Enhance your relationship with your body by keeping you connected and in touch with your changing shape.
- Be very effective in inducing deep relaxation and sleep and creating a sense of well-being.
We are also trained in regular massage and so can provide both you and your partner with a massage treatment at the same session. This can be a wonderful way of involving your partner in the experience and supporting their role too. More information on the other treatments we offer can be found here.
At what stage in my pregnancy can I start having massage therapy?
Massage can start any time after your twelve week scan if you are generally well and not having any significant problems with your pregnancy (more information on this can be found here).
Are there times during my pregnancy when it isn't suitable to have a massage?
It isn’t advisable to have a massage during the first trimester of your pregnancy, however any time after this and up to your baby’s birth is fine if you are experiencing a low risk pregnancy.
There are certain conditions related to either your general health or your pregnancy that may mean massage isn’t suitable for you. In many cases this just means that it is advisable to talk to your midwife, doctor or other healthcare professional to get their consent and approval to go ahead with bodywork prior to any treatments. For more information on contraindications to pregnancy massage and safety please follow this link.
We want you to feel comfortable and enjoy your treatment and so if you ever feel unwell or something just doesn’t feel right before your appointment, then please do let us know as soon as possible and we can rearrange your appointment if necessary.
How is pregnancy massage different from regular massage?
In many ways pregnancy massage is similar to regular massage in that it aims to relax tense muscles, ease aches and pains, improve your circulation and mobility, while also helping you to feel good.
However, the treatment is also tailored to your needs as a pregnant woman. We use a wide and comfortable massage couch, fixed at a lower height than usual, so that it is easy for you to get on and off. We’ll help you lie on your side with your head resting on a pillow and will use as many pillows and cushions as necessary to support you and your bump and make you as comfortable as possible. Your therapist will then cover you with towels (or a cotton sheet if you are feeling hot) and only expose the parts of your body that are being massaged.
During your consultation we’ll discuss what you hope to get out of your massage and any particular problems you may be experiencing and we'll then work out a treatment plan to address these.
Each treatment may therefore be different from the next, but in general your therapist will start by massaging one side of your back, your arm and leg, and with some very gentle stroking of your bump if you’re happy with that. We’ll then help you sit up and turn over or lie back down at the other end of the couch and massage the other side of your body.
We've been trained to address specific pregnancy related issues and so if your ankles are puffy, we’ll ensure that your treatment incorporates lymph-drainage techniques to reduce water retention. Or, if you are particularly bothered by lower back pain, we’ll make sure we spend time working in this area too.
We will only use techniques that are appropriate for your stage of pregnancy and will always work within your comfort levels. We welcome your feedback during the treatment to ensure you aren’t in any discomfort.
How often should I have a massage during my pregnancy?
It is entirely up to you! For the most beneficial results, we recommend fortnightly or three-weekly treatments but we do realise that it may be constraints of other commitments, your budget etc rather than desire that get in the way of this and we will never put you under any pressure to commit to a certain number of sessions. Your body usually 'tells' you when it is ready for another massage and this is a very individual thing. All we suggest is that if you like an appointment on a certain day and at a certain time (particularly if you prefer an evening appointment), then it is a good idea to book in a number of sesssions in advance so that you can be sure of getting your ideal appointment slot!
How much does a massage treatment cost?
Please take a look at the individual treatments page for details of prices. We would also be delighted if you joined the Calico Mobile Pregnancy Massage Facebook group. Exclusive one-off offers and news are announced on this page and all you need to do is click on the link above and 'like' the page.
How long does each treatment last?
Your treatment will last 50-60 minutes. If you have a mobile appointment, please also allow an additional 20-30 minutes at each appointment for your therapist to set up, pack away and have a chat with you about your health and well-being.
What about interrupting the treatment if…?
We love working with pregnant women and new mums and realise that the usual rules don’t apply when giving a pre or postnatal massage and so if you need to get up to go to the loo during your treatment or if you need to care for your baby or breastfeed during your treatment then that is no problem either.
We're very comfortable giving you a treatment while your children are around and interacting with you during your massage. If you ever feel uncomfortable during your treatment, please do say and we can adjust your position to make sure you are relaxed and at ease.
Which massage oils do you use?
We use a water soluble base oil (not nut based). It is designed specifically for massage therapists and has a lovely, light texture so it doesn't sit too heavily on your skin. As it is water soluble it also washes out of your clothes very easily and won't leave an oily residue on your clothing.
We don't use any essential oils for the massage treatment to ensure that you are safe and don't experience any adverse reactions.
What about pregnancy massage and Covid-19?
We understand that you may feel a bit unsure about whether massage is safe while we are still experiencing the after-effects of the pandemic. Please be assured that your safety is our first priority and so all advised measures to limit cross-infection will be put in place to protect you. Full information can be found at on the Covid-19 link under the Book an Appointment link on the main menu.
I have an allergy, is that a problem?
It depends on what the allergy is – generally it isn’t a problem but please mention this when you book your appointment and we will discuss any impact it may have on your treatment and any alternative options.
Are you insured to work with pregnant women?
Absolutely - we wouldn’t dream of offering this service if this wasn’t the case. Our insurance is provided through Holistic Insurance Services and Balens Insurance who are specialist insurance companies for complementary therapy practitioners. More information can be found here.
Both therapists work as independent practitioners under the umbrella of Calico massage and as such have their own professional liability insurance. For the avoidance of doubt, the reponsibility for resolving any issues, complaints or claims arising from the actions of each therapist will rest with the therapist who has treated the client.
Please be assured that we always operate within industry standard codes of ethics and practice.
What should I wear for my appointment?
Please just wear whatever you feel comfortable in! You don't need to wear particular clothing bur preferably clothes that you can get in and out of easily and will feel warm and comfortable in after your treatment. You will have some oil on your skin following the massage, however the oils we use are water soluble and so will wash out of clothing easily.
What should I expect from my appointment at the treatment room?
Please see the section on 'What to expect at your appointment' under the Book an Appointment section on the top menu.
What should I expect from a mobile appointment?
Please see the section on 'What to expect at your appointment' under the Book an Appointment section on the top menu.
My employer offers me paid time off work for antenatal care, can this include massage treatments?
It can, however this must be on the advice or recommendation of your midwife, doctor or healthcare professional. If this applies to you, please just mention it when you book your appointment and we will make sure that we provide you with confirmation of your appointment to give to your employer.
If my employer is paying for time off for massage treatment, does this mean that the treatments are free..?
Sadly not.. The treatments still need to be paid for but perhaps you can talk to your employer about including massage therapy in their employee incentive packages! We are also very happy to talk to employers about discounted treatment prices for their staff.
Do you offer postnatal massage?
We do! And we're always delighted to welcome back clients that we've seen during their pregnancy once they've had their baby or to meet you for the first time in your postnatal recovery. There's lots more information to be found via the link to postnatal massage found on the top menu.
I've got a question that isn't answered here!
Then please do just use get in touch via the Contact page and we'll get back to you as soon as we possibly can!
postnatal massage faq's
When I can I restart massage after having my baby?
If you’ve had a healthy pregnancy and delivery without any major complications, a massage can safely be given whenever you feel ready after your baby’s birth. However it is best to leave it at least a week after a vaginal birth.
If you have had a caesarean section it is best to leave it at least 6 weeks or until you are released from maternal care and your scar tissue has healed. It is best to avoid having a massage if you have any active infection post-natally, be that a c-section wound or unirary tract or any other type of infection as the massage could potentially worsen the effects of the infection.
Are there instances when postnatal massage may not be suitable?
Massage after you have given birth can be extremely beneficial in helping you adjust emotionally and physically. However, there are instances when massage might not be appropriate or we'll need to ask your primary healthcare provider (GP, midwife or consultant) for their consent to go ahead with treatments.
If you’ve had any complications during your labour or any subsequent health concerns, then approval will be needed prior to any postnatal treatments. Or if you have any infections or communicable diseases, fever, unexplained bleeding, blood clot or phlebitis, massage won’t be suitable until you are fully recovered.
We will ask you about your health when you make your appointment and you’ll also have a full consultation at your first postnatal massage session when we will make sure that it is safe to go ahead with your treatment. For more information on contraindications to massage, please see the massage safety pages.
How does postnatal massage differ from pregnancy massage?
After you’ve had your baby, your body is faced with new challenges. Lifting, cuddling and feeding can all put your body under new stresses. Postnatal massage concentrates on relieving physical strain that may have built up over your pregnancy as well as treating the new strains your body is under. Just as importantly, massage therapy can help strengthen you emotionally by relaxing you and helping to reduce the symptoms of stress. At a time when so much in your life is centred on your baby, massage therapy can give you a wonderful opportunity to concentrate on your own needs for a while and have a much deserved break.
The first few postnatal sessions will focus on relaxation rather than any deep muscular work. We’ll ensure that you are positioned comfortably and this will very much depend on your needs at the time of the appointment – initially you will most likely prefer to be side-lying and supported with pillows as your breasts may be tender and/or you may have tenderness around the site of an epidural. Your position will then be adjusted as you move through your postnatal recovery to ensure that you get the most from your treatments.
Do you mind my baby being with me during the treatment?
We do love it when clients bring their babies with them to their appointment. It is wonderful to meet their little ones after getting to know the bump! Just let us know if you would like to bring your baby with you to the treatment beforehand. It is helpful if you can bring a playmat, toys to entertain your little one and any other things they may need during your time with us. There are changing facilities available at the treatment room.
How much does a postnatal massage cost?
Please take a look at the individual treatments page for details of prices or the link under the Make an Appointment menu item. We would also be delighted if you joined the Calico Mobile Pregnancy Massage Facebook group. Exclusive one-off offers and news are announced on this page and all you need to do is click on the link above and 'like' the page.
How often should I have a post-natal massage?
It is entirely up to you! For the most beneficial results, we recommend fortnightly or three-weekly treatments but we do realise that it may be constraints of budget and other commitments rather than desire that get in the way of this and we will never put you under any pressure to commit to a certain number of sessions. Your body usually 'tells' you when it is ready for another massage and this is a very individual thing. All we'd suggest is that if you like an appointment on a certain day and at a certain time (particularly if you prefer an evening appointment), then it is a good idea to book in a number of sesssions in advance so that you can be sure of getting your ideal appointment slot!
I've got a question that isn't answered here!
Then please do just use get in touch via the Contact page, we'd love to hear from you!
general faq's
What should I expect from my appointment at the treatment room?
Please see the section on 'What to expect at your appointment' under the Book an Appointment section on the top menu.
Where is the treatment room?
The treatment room address, map and directions can be found on the Contact page. If in doubt, please just look for Headingley Wellbeing Centre on Google maps.
What should I expect from a mobile appointment?
Please see the section on 'What to expect at my appointment' under the Book an Appointment section on the top menu.
What should I wear for my appointment?
Please just wear whatever you feel comfortable in! You don't need to wear particular clothing bur preferably clothes that you can get in and out of easily and will feel warm and comfortable in after your treatment. You will have some oil on your skin following the massage, however the oils we use are water soluble and so will wash out of clothing easily.
Do I need to provide anything for my treatment?
For appointments at the treatment room you can simply turn up and all your linens, pillows, blankets, oils etc are provided. If you are bringing your baby with you, please bring a playmat, blankets, any toys they enjoy and any other bits and bobs you will need for them during your time with us.
For mobile appointments, we don’t need you to provide anything either! Your therapist will arrive at your home with all the equipment needed for your treatment – massage couch, pillows, cushions, linens, massage oils suitable for use during pregnancy. All we ask is that you have enough space for us to set up our massage couch and work around it. If you imagine a 6ft tall person lying down with their arms outstretched then that will give you a good idea of the space that we'll need.
Can I book treatments for more than one person?
Of course! There are a number of options for booking a double session or multiple treatment sessions and so please take a look at the 'Book an Appointment' menu for prices. A double session can include a regular massage for your partner, friend or family member as well as a pregnancy/postnatal massage for you. Or it can consist of two pregnancy/postnatal massages for you and a friend. Details of the regular massage therapies that we also offer can be found here.
Do you just offer pregnancy and postnatal massage?
No we don’t - whilst we absolutely love working with pregnant and postnatal women, we also get great satisfaction working with clients who require regular massage and we are trained in a number of massage therapies. Details of the other treatments offered can be found here.
Can you come to my workplace to give me a treatment?
Yes, we're very happy to treat you in your workplace. All we ask is that you have approval from your management prior to your appointment and have access to a private room for your treatment.
What should I do to look after myself after my treatment?
It is important to look after yourself after a massage. Please try to relax as much as possible after your treatment and drink plenty water. You may occasionally feel some after-effects of your treatment and these can include:
- an increase in visits to the loo as your circulatory and lymphatic systems have been stimulated
- tiredness due to the release of toxins and the energy the body is using up to heal itself
- headache which may be a result of simulation of nerve fibres during the massage or dehydration if you don’t drink enough after your treatment
- muscular aches in the areas the treatment has focussed on
- thirstiness due to the increased action of the lymphatic system and
- heightened emotions due to the release of tension
You know your body best and so if you do feel mildly out of sorts please don’t worry; this should pass within 24-48 hours. However if you feel any unusual symptoms, abdominal or back pain or have any other symptoms that are concerning you then please do contact your midwife, GP or primary healthcare provider straight away.
Do you do baby showers and pamper parties?
Oh yes! As we offer pregnancy and standard massage treatments, you can configure my time with your guests however you’d like. For example, you may like to treat the mum-to-be to a full hour massage and then let the guests have several 40 minute or 20 minute treatments.
We can also arrange for a beauty therapist to be available to add in some extra treats for your guests and mum-to-be too.
There is lots of information on the baby showers and pregnancy pampering or you can just get in touch to find out all about your options.
I'd like to buy a mum-to-be/new mum a massage, do you sell gift vouchers?
Unfortunately gift vouchers aren't currently available.
How much do the treatments cost?
Please see the individual treatment pagesfor details of prices or the Prices page under the Book an Appointment heading. We would also be delighted if you joined the Calico Mobile Pregnancy Massage Facebook group. Exclusive one-off offers and news are announced on this page and all you need to do is click on the link above and 'like' the page.
